Sunday 22 January 2017


Guatemala, a Central American country south of Mexico, is home to volcanoes, rain forests and ancient Mayan sites. The capital, Guatemala City, features the stately National Palace of Culture and the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Antigua, west of the capital, contains preserved Spanish colonial buildings. Lake Atitlán, formed in a massive volcanic crater, is surrounded by coffee fields and villages. Officially the Republic of Guatemala (Spanish: República de Guatemala), is a country in Central America bordered by Mexico to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, Belize to the northeast, the Caribbean to the east, Honduras to the east and El Salvador to the southeast. With an estimated population of around 15.8 million, it is the most populous state in Central America. A representative democracy, Guatemala's capital and largest city is Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción, also known as Guatemala City.

The territory of modern Guatemala once formed the core of the Maya civilization, which extended across Mesoamerica. Most of the country was conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century, becoming part of the vice royalty of New Spain. Guatemala attained independence in 1821 as part of the Federal Republic of Central America, which dissolved in 1841. Lots of hippies live in communities here. Mayans are very cool people, but check with the State Department for warnings, as occasionally there is political violence in certain areas.


Tikal is an ancient Mayan citadel in the rain forests of Northern Guatemala. Possibly dating to the 1st century A.D., Tikal flourished between 200 and 850 A.D. and was later abandoned. Its iconic ruins include the giant, ceremonial Lost World Pyramid and the Temple of the Grand Jaguar. At 70 meters, Temple IV is the tallest Pre-Colombian structure in the Americas and offers sweeping views. Tikal was the capital of a conquest state that became one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya. Though monumental architecture at the site dates back as far as the 4th century BC, Tikal reached its apogee during the Classic Period, c. 200 to 900 AD. During this time, the city dominated much of the Maya region politically, economically, and militarily, while interacting with areas throughout Mesoamerica such as the great metropolis of Teotihuacan in the distant Valley of Mexico. There is evidence that Tikal was conquered by Teotihuacan in the 4th century AD. Following the end of the Late Classic Period, no new major monuments were built at Tikal and there is evidence that elite palaces were burned. These events were coupled with a gradual population decline, culminating with the site’s abandonment by the end of the 10th century.

A very important hippy ancient Mayan site. Stay on the island when in Flores. The town is a bit rough. Tikal is beautiful, make sure you go out into the jungles where you can see so many monkeys! The grass is top quality there too. But sometimes climbing those pyramids can be a bit of a scary experience, especially when remembering that they were built extra steep just so when you were thrown down the steps you weren't going to stop till you hit the bottom!


Antigua is a small city surrounded by volcanoes in southern Guatemala. It’s renowned for its Spanish colonial buildings, many of them restored following a 1773 earthquake that ended Antigua’s 200-year reign as Guatemala’s colonial capital. Notable architectural examples include baroque La Merced, a squat, yellow-and-white church. It’s an integral part of the city’s famous Semana Santa, a holy week with parades and rituals.Set in a spectacular valley of three looming volcanoes (one of which, Fuego, releases puffs of smoke daily), Antigua is one of the best-preserved colonial towns in Central America. Without a doubt it’s an absolute must on any Guatemala itinerary and, being only an hour from the airport in Guatemala City, it’s a perfect first stop for visitors to acclimatize to Guatemalan life.

Antigua’s magnificent one-storey pastel-collared houses could be something straight out of a Van Gough painting and are beautiful to behold. Its grid plan streets with the Parque Central at its heart make Antigua one of the easiest towns in Guatemala to explore on foot. The city’s old colonial ruins, shook to pieces by the San Marta earthquakes in 1773, act as reminder that Antigua was once held to be the capital not only of Guatemala, but of Central America as a whole.Despite of its relatively small size, Antigua has much more to offer visitors than cobble-stone streets and pretty colonial buildings with yards filled with flowers and fountains. The city also has a buzzing restaurant and bar scene where locals, travelers and ex-pats alike meet to speak ‘Spanglish’ and enjoy authentically prepared international food from Indian and Thai to French (including fondue), American bagels and German bread. While Antigua might be your first stop in Guatemala, it’s also a great place to rest and relax after time on the road as the range of budget hotels and hostels in Antigua is by far the best in the country. Careful, though, as many of the permanent ex-pats were also once just visitors, until Antigua slowly became home!


Lake Atitlan, famously described by Aldous Huxley as ‘the most beautiful lake in the world’, should be on the list of every visitor to Guatemala. Formed when the lid of a volcano was blown off during an explosion, Lake Atitlan is located in the scenic Highlands of Guatemala and, like Antigua, sits neatly nestled between three volcanoes. These three can be climbed, as can Indian’s Nose mountain.

For less steep hikes, try walking between the dozen little villages spread out along the shores of Atitlan. The three most popular villages for tourists each have a distinct feel: San Pedro tends to be for backpackers looking to have a good time, with plenty of restaurants, bars, and ways to relax including saunas, heated pools and swimming pools. Nearby San Marcos is known to target those in the market for meditation and yoga retreats, and many of the small village’s restaurants cater to a vegan/vegetarian diet. Panajachel acts as the ‘big city’, despite having a population of only 11000, as it’s where most travelers first arrive when visiting the area. It has the most hotels, restaurants, bars, and the streets are lined with typical Guatemalan trinkets and handicrafts. Boats leave from ‘Pana’ to most of the other villages around the lake, including those that most tourists never see.Despite rising tourism, Lake Atitlan is still home to a massive Maya population who go about their traditional daily lives, alongside selling handicrafts. Catch a glimpse of the ladies making tortillas and weaving the traditional costumes or washing clothes in the lake. While the men carry wood on their backs strapped to their heads, pick coffee and sell their produce at local village markets.


With its red-roofed houses painted all the colors of the rainbow and the bright white church on top of the hill, Flores is one of the most beautiful towns in all of Guatemala, especially when seen from a boat out on the lake. Dine at one of the restaurants on the shore and witness the spectacular sunrises and sunsets over the lake every single day. A well-constructed promenade surrounding the island town is inviting for long strolls along the water, and the various piers are perfect for sunbathing or jumping off for a swim in the lake.

Often connected to a trip to Tikal, the little town of Flores is located on an island in Lake Peten, and is reached by bridge from its ‘sister city’ of Santa Elena (itself as dusty and dirty as Flores is charming) – make the journey using the distinctive Guatemalan chicken bus.Flores is not only the ideal base for your trip to Tikal; it’s also an enjoyable place to relax for a few days. Connect with other travelers at Las Gardenias hostel, hang out in a hammock and read. Make sure to take a boat ride to one of the nearby beaches or to Petencito, a small zoo on an island in the lake which is home to animals indigenous to the region.


Chichicastenango, or just ‘Chichi’, as it is commonly called, is most famous for its colorful market, held on Thursdays and Sundays. A visit to the market should not be missed, as it is the showcase market in a country of amazing markets. Get great bargains on typical clothes, souvenirs and jewelry.The market is not only considered the best for tourists, as the indigenous Mayans come from all over to sell (in areas off the main square) everything from fruit and vegetables to live chickens, turkeys, flowers and even kittens.

Just make sure to stay the extra day or two in Chichi, as the town itself is an entirely different place on non-market days. Take the chance to chat with locals, visit the brightly-coloured cemetery overlooking the town, or take a hike out of town to Pascual Abaj, a Mayan shrine on a hill above town. Meaning “sacrificial stone” in a local Mayan language, Pascual Abaj is a shrine to Huyup Tak’ah, the Mayan earth god. Visitors are welcome here, and the local indigenous Mayans make the short trek regularly to bring good luck or good health. ‘Sacrifices’ are made too; everything from corn to Coca Cola, or if you are lucky to catch the real deal, even a rooster may be sacrificed.

See You Soon...On Another Famous Hippie Location
Until Then...NAMASTE...


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